Note 1
Cf. pages 213 to 221
Note 2
Cf. pages 71-73
Note 3
Pages 47-55
Note 5
Pages 140-142
Note 6
Pages 118, 119, 142, 143
Note 7
Pages 255 to 280
Note 8
Dangers already referred to on page 61,
and exampled in specific detail in other parts of this book.
Note 9
Cf. pages 124 to 128
Note 10
See Acts 3: 15, 21; 4: 10; 5: 27, 30.
Note 11
Page 124
Note 12
Cf. 1 Cor. 12: 12-27; Ephes. 4: 15, 16; Col. 2; 18-19.
Note 14
Cf. pages 221, 222, 223
Note 15
This may only be temporary, until the believer becomes conscious
that something is wrong, and he takes steps to regain his right
condition of spirit, when the Holy Spirit again manifests His
presence and power.
Note 16
Cf. Ephes. 4: 3 and 13.
Note 17
Cf. page 54
Note 18
Pages 61, 62, 63
Note 19
Cf. pages 214-224
Note 20
It is in this sense that the word impurity is used, on page 78, in connection with the human
spirit. The impurity of the mixture of soul and spirit, in
contrast to pure spirit which unites with the Spirit of God in
essential essence. The human spirit should be freed from the
unbending element of the soul, to move in pliable correspondence
with the Holy Spirit.
Note 21
Cf. pages 215-224
Note 22
Three warning words may be given to believers at this point of
experience: 1. Do not obey an exterior, or (apparently) interior
"voice"; 2. Do not locate God as in, or around; 3. Do
not pray to God as in, or around, in the atmosphere, but as in
heaven. Cf. pages 124 to 131, on
the mistaken location of God; and pages
138, 139, on the detection of voices from the supernatural
Note 23
The subject of speaking in tongues is not further dealt with, as
the counterfeits in connection with it are only a fraction of the
countless counterfeits being forced upon the children of God at
the present time, numbers of which are not referred to in these
pages. A believer not deceived by counterfeit speaking in tongues
can be deceived and possessed by accepting other counterfeits. An
understanding of the broad principles showing the basic
differences between the way of God's working, and the deceptive
imitations by Satan, will enable spiritual believers to discern
for themselves all the counterfeits they meet with to-day.
Note 24
Cf. Luke 10: 19.
Note 25
Rev. 3: 21; Col. 3: 4.
Note 26
Rev. 19: 34; 20: 4-6.
Note 27
Cf. 1 Cor. 12: 14-21.
Note 28
See Num. 10: 31.