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Run to the Prophets or Hear from Me

Aug. 9, 2008
Dr. Mary Craig
(From Craighouse Prayer Storming time)

Now hear what the Sovereign Lord says, for the time is short and My people are perishing for lack of knowledge. My people run more to the prophets than to Me. Is this the time of Moses? Have I not given, poured forth My Spirit that Mine might hear and obey My Voice? Have I not rent the Veil that Mine might enter into the Holy of Holies to receive from Me? Have I not put the Law written on the heart that My people might respond to My grace and be blessed? Am I a God afar off and not near?

Yes, I am near and yet I see My people wandering far from the Good Shepherd, the Great Shepherd, the Chief Shepherd, wandering after voices of distraction and deception. And why? Because they do not know My Voice. They do not know Me, the hope of their salvation.

How shall they hear? (Romans 10.14ff How shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!) And if I send, will they go? And if they go, will they hold to their hearts the sacred trust of My Word and the gospel of Jesus Christ? How blessed are the feet of those who carry My gospel to the ends of the earth; yet will they get up from their chairs in front of their TV's to go and do My will?

You are seeing laziness pervade My people. They sleep and slumber, so immobile. They can hardly move or rise up against the oppressive darkness of these days. Look at them. Disaster lurks and they sit staring blankly at their hands and feet, unable to move, bound by Satan who has blinded them.

Rise up, O woman of God. Rise up and sound the alarm for the devil prowls like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.

My people have an enemy and as they continue in sin, so I also turn and become their enemy. They are perishing and most do not even know the danger in which they live. Blind fools and blind leading the blind.

Confusion rises to obscure the clarity of My mind and purpose. Perversion rises to make straight paths crooked and to divert My people away from the path that leads to life. Noise, clanking cymbals, fireworks, loud displays of emotion drown out the still small Voice behind them saying to them, "This is the way, walk ye in it."

Look at a baby - so easily distracted, but My people are like babies, children. Most can only handle milk. They are living on milk when they should be swallowing the solid food of My Truth, meat, to do the will of the Father. Babes and yet they walk around like mature adults. Their senses are not trained but are carnal for these are carnally minded and cannot hear with their spiritual mind. They do not recognize My Voice to know it and follow Me.

They will not give time to hear. They value things that led to their destruction.

But you, O woman of God, rise up and warn My people for the time is short. I am coming in great power and glory and I will consume with the breath of My mouth all that stands in opposition to Me.

Teach discernment:

What is Me, what is not.
What is human, what is divine.
What is Christ, what is Satan.
What is good, what is evil.
What is righteous, what is lawlessness.
Train My people in discernment.

Discerning the Voice, the Will, the Mind, the Heart, the Truth, the Wisdom, the Times, the Path, the Good, the Blessing.

I will send you to many more nations, but I am raising up intercessors, an army that will storm heaven not with
their agendas, but with My Word to perform on earth all My good pleasure.

I want My people to see Me glorious as I shine against the darkness of their night. I want My people to glorify me as I overcome every attempt of Satan to defeat them. I want their love, their loyalty, their hearts. I want to be their God and them to be My people.

I AM and there is no other and I will be glorified in My saints. I am the captain of their salvation that they follow Me and overcome to rule and reign over the creation.

Copyright © 2008 Mary Craig Ministries, Inc.


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