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The Word of the Lord for Africa

Word received by Mary Craig
Jan. 9, 2004

Part of the words have to do with answering the prayers of David Livingstone, that the time is now.

I am coming for a holy bride, a happy bride, a bride who is whole, who bears the fruit of the kingdom of righteousness, who will bear the fruit of the kingdom of God.

Out of every tribe, every tongue, and every nation, she comes. She comes together--one body--every branch joined to the vine--every sheep hearing the voice of the Good Shepherd--the called out ones.

I call you out now. I call you to come. I gather you to Myself.

You are the holy Jerusalem. You are the new Jerusalem, a holy city. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.

I am coming to you, Africa. I am coming to you as fire, and I will cleanse the land and purify the bride. I will purge you. Even now I prepare the vessels of My anointing. They are hidden. They are hidden now. Darkness cannot, will not see their light or their power. When they touch the ground of you, Africa, they will be My light. They will be My power. They will be My voice, My fire, and no one will stop them, and even devils will bow to the Name of Jesus who is their authority. Repent, or perish.

Even the animals cry to Me. Their blood cries, the blood you sacrificed to idols. You have misused My creation, and now I come to avenge My holy Name. I tell you, Repent. And to you, that name the name of Jesus Christ and yet practice your witchcraft, your worship of the ancestors, your filthy abominations, Repent.

For I am coming to you, Africa, to avenge the Name--the holy Name of My Son--whose Name and whose Blood you dishonored, defiled.

Repent, lest you become to Me as the accursed things you worship, you serve, you trust. Repent, and again I say, Repent. The time is short.

You come in droves, by the hundreds, by the thousands, to the evangelist. You make a good display. You go through motions of deliverance, but I know you. I know your hearts. I am not fooled.

My heart is stirred. I come with a sword. I will cut to the heart. Just as you have cut out the hearts of people, babies, and animals, so I will come with a sword and cut to the heart, and what is dead will die, and what is alive will live. As you have done to Me, so I will do to you. I am the LORD. It will surely be so.

Links for info on David Livingstone:
David Livingstone National Memorial, Christian Biography Resources

Copyright © 2004 Mary Craig Ministries, Inc.


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