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This is Mary Craig's rough log of what happened on the day we found "Christ's Prison" in the "Old City" of Jerusalem.
April 26 2019 Craighouse (before the mission trip)
Notes I took down under the anointing:
To enter into Christ is to enter into life, to plunge into the depths of His love, the love in His heart. To be one spirit Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
John 14:30 the prince of this world comes, and he has nothing in Me.
Plunge into the ocean of His love. Rev. 3:20Death could not hold Me because of the power of an endless life.
You need do nothing. This is a work I am doing in you that I may be glorified in you. Whether you live or die, you are Mine. I in you, you in Me. John 17
Caiaphas interrogated. Sanhedrin found Jesus guilty of blasphemy. Jesus was tried in a court. A trial was held. The Sanhedrin found Him guilty of blasphemy. False witnesses, but Pilate [Roman court] said he found no fault in Christ. Deuteronomy 13:1-6. But they crucified the Lord of Glory, and He was buried, in a grave.You were in Him for you were His from before the foundation of the world. Therefore, you died (Colossians 3 you have died and your life is hid in Christ in God) and your life is hid in Christ in God.
You were tried, found guilty, and worthy of death [in Christ]. Christ died in your place. He rose from the dead in the power of an endless life.
Enter into life. Be seated in the heavenlies far above. Be where He is. The prince of this world has nothing in Christ. Do not fear what a man can do to you or for you. Hebrews 13. If God is for you, who can be against you Romans 8
While you were yet a sinner, Christ died for you as the result of a trial. [human courts Roman civil, religious court, and the people's court (public opinion)] God has a Divine Court. He has a divine plan.
You will go to Jerusalem and as you go to the places where Jesus was tried, found guilty, and sentenced to death on a cross as one cursed, you will enter into life. Death will not hold you. Christ fulfilled all righteousness. He did not come to destroy the Law but to fulfill it. The Law shows the what but not the how, not having the power of life, the Holy Spirit. [the Law cannot give life. The Holy Spirit gives life.]
Now you will have the power to LIVE, which comes by the Holy Spirit. To enter into Christ is to enter into eternal life, its abundance.
I will manifest this in you. You are Mine and I come to you that you may enter into Me as I have entered into you. Abide in Me. I am your dwelling place. I am the place prepared for you.
Note from Kroy on the Mt. Carmel-Jerusalem scriptural connection regarding Jesus' trial, before the mission trip, May 2019: (Mt. Carmel is in Haifa.)"Actually -- The LORD Himself and His prophet Elijah WERE on trial. By God's doing after the drought. (Rather which actually brought about the end of the drought.) And God rendered the decision for Himself and Elijah and against his enemies, accepting the sacrifice and answering by fire which consumed the sacrifice.
"God did the same after the trial and crucifixion of Jesus in accepting and consuming Jesus' sacrificed physical body in the Resurrection (His "new" body was a physical/spiritual body, the First-Fruit of the Resurrection, the last Adam (crucified) became a life-giving spirit as the second Man from heaven -- heavenly, not earthly as with the first. ("Adam" comes from the Hebrew word adama, meaning earth or dirt. Dam, blood, also comes from adama. Jesus, as the second Man (not a second adam) is neither earthly nor having earthly flesh and blood, but is from heaven. I Cor. 15; Luke 24:39; )"May 13, 2019 Jerusalem, Old City (also the day Chloe, my cat, died) at "Christ's Prison", an Armenian church/shrine over an underground ancient cave made into a cruel prison. This "stop" was before "Pilate's Praetorium," Church of the Judgment/Condemnation (Catholic), Station 2 of the Stations of the Cross further down the Old City alley/street.
Standing in a corner in the cave/prison entrance just before one goes down the stairs to where Jesus was held prisoner, I collapsed. I went down but could not tell what happened to my body, feeling-wise. I could not move. The night before, my neck had gone stiff such that I could not move it to the left or right without a lot of pain; yet I was able to get enough sleep. It was the same today, but now I had completely collapsed onto the ground against the wall.Kroy had gone down into the cave/prison to observe and take snapshots. Marcy called down for him to come up and get a chair. Kroy found a chair and ran up the stairs to help. Kroy and Marcy could not lift me up very far. As they tried, but could not lift me high enough to get me into the chair, the pain in my legs under the weight was extreme and I cried out - "my legs, my legs". Then an unknown man from the incoming crowd came up and got behind me and, along with Marcy and Kroy, lifted me up all the way and got me into the chair. I was conscious but very weak and could not move my legs. Marcy gave me water and some air. Kroy pulled out his phone and began calling on the names of God from our list. After a few minutes I could hear the Holy Spirit speaking to me. Kroy started his recorder. Thank God for that.
At the end of the word I received (about 15 minutes), all stiffness was gone, and even other areas of pain. All this to the glory of the LORD. After a few more minutes I was able to stand up. We left the prison and continued on down the narrow alley/street to the Roman Catholic Church of the Condemnation, a/k/a Antonio Fortress, "Pilate's Praetorium" and finished the Call regarding the Courts Mission.
Note: Kroy had tenaciously prayed that we had to get to the prison where Jesus was held after being turned away yesterday from another location also believed to be "Christ's Prison". Today's planned assignment was the Church of the Condemnation / "Pilate's Praetorium". We walked down the Old City alley/street with connected ancient buildings one after another resulting in high walls on both sides. The narrow streets go on for what seems like miles.As we walked on trying to find the location of Church of Condemnation/"Pilate's Praetorium" Kroy went on ahead of us. On the way as he searched along the narrow street he saw an entrance in the wall called "Prison of Christ", a place that went below ground where the Armenian church believes Jesus was held before he was taken to Pilate's Praetorium. Kroy thought this was the same place as the Church of the Condemnation, but as we learned later, it was separate -- an Armenian church/shrine whereas the Catholic Church of the Condemnation was further down the alley/street.
We caught up and went in to "Christ's Prison." As I collapsed and they got me into the chair, Kroy began calling on the names of the LORD from our list on his iPhone. Just before I began receiving a word from the LORD, he was calling on these names:
He that declareth unto man what is his thought
He that doth speak (cf Isa. 52)
He that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself
(See the Names of God list here.)
Remarkably, this exactly fit with what was happening. Then Kroy began recording the word being received.[Some portions of this log were written by Kroy as he remembered the events.]
Kroy: We finished this last day of the mission with no further incident. Mary was tired, but completely recovered, including full, pain-free movement of her head and neck. The word Mary received was the height of the mission to Haifa and Jerusalem. It was a powerful, intense word with an amazing display of the Holy Spirit's life-giving, healing power.
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