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MCM Message Archive
Archive of all MCM posted articles, plus other things from MCM

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Message Archives

Newsletters and Radio Broadcasts

Strategic Prayers
Other Articles

Past Email Updates

Youtube Channel

The Glory of the Gospel
Dr. Mary Craig, Jerusalem, Israel, August 2017

The Glory of the Gospel (The complete message)

MCM Youtube Channel

See videos from MCM messages, teaching, mission trips and more.

MCM Photo Gallery

Photos from past mission trips, Jerusalem and the City of David

Praise and Worship Songs

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Messages from Sundays and Fridays

All messages from Sundays and Fridays can be found here

All Messages A-L . All Messages M-Z

Messages that are in a series

Covenant: God's Way of Relationship May-Dec. 2020 (Sundays)

The "Kingdom of God" Series 1/10/21 to 1/16/22 (Sundays)

The "Benefits of Salvation" Series 1/23/22 to 9/11/22 (Sundays)

The "Blessing of the Lord" Series 3/18/22 to 12/16/22 (Fridays)

The "Gift of the Holy Spirit" Series 9/18/22 to 7/30/23 (Sundays)

"Truth for All Time" Series 8/13/23 to 12/3/23 (Sundays)


Past Newsletters and Radio Broadcasts

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Articles From
The MCM Newsletter

A Gross Injustice 3/00
A Missionary's Journal (New Zealand and Australia) 3/02
A Stronghold: Things That Devour
A World Missions Update 9/01
As God Gives Grace - The Power of Revival
As God Grants Repentance - The Path of Revival
As God Grants Life - The Purpose of Revival
Breaking into Joy - Beethoven 3/00
Call 91:1 Twenty-Four / Seven 12/01
Crown of Thorns, Crown of Glory 3/01
Cry of the Covenant 3/02
Do You Know Who He Is? 12/99
Every Good Gift Christmas '99
God's Power in Weakness 3/01
Grafted into the Body 5/01
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner 6/02
Iniquity: Perish the Thought! 4/03
Jesus Christ: Bringing Justice to the Poor 3/04
Jesus Christ: Sent by the Father... 12/00
Jesus Christ: Son of the Highest 12/02
Keepin' it Real 05/01
Listening to God 9/01
Looking for the Consolation of Israel xmas '01
Loneliness: Finding Our Way to Jehovah Shammah
Loosing the Bonds of Shame
Rejoice! Christmas '99
Remembrance 9/00
Progressions of Grace 6/00
Promises From a Covenant-Keeping God 6/00
Sanctity of Life
Seated, Sealed and Singing 9/00
Strongholds: Things That Destroy 3/02
Taking Your Shame
The Goodness of God
The Heavens Declare the Glory of God 12/02
The Immanuel Event 12/01
The Messiah: Israel's Glory 12/01
The Promise of a Son - A Seed
The Road Map to Personal Change
The Spirit of a Son 9/00
Thoughts on Humility
To the Nations 9/03
Treading on Serpents and Scorpions
Understanding the Apostolic Anointing 12/00
What About the Animals? 3/05
When Crisis Strikes

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Other Articles

A Father's Love (parts 1-5) 10/07
A Fire Burning 10/98
A Prophecy for the Nation 5/98
Amalekites: Testing Covenant Love
Biblical Prosperity 101
Celebrating Tabernacles Today - Opening the Eyes of the Blind: Seeing the Just One 11/19
Communion - Looking Back, Looking Forward, Living Today 2017
Communion Service
Discerning the True From the False Prophet 1999
Eternal Life (According to Jesus)
Forgiveness -- Unwrap the Bindings of Death 11/5
Halloween: Believer, Do Not Participate
How Can I Shorten My Time in the Wilderness?
I Am Coming. Will You be Ready? 3/99
I Am Preparing My Bride 9/25/01
Jerusalem's Destiny
Love: The Power of Resurrection Life
Mission to Zambia and Zimbabwe 8/14/04
Names of God
Names of the Holy Spirit
Now unto Him Who is Glory
Prayer for the Persecuted
Praying the Covenant
Preparation for What is Coming 10/96
Prophetic Perspective
Psalms to Pray that Bless God
Really Walking Sober - How God Set Me Free
Receiving the Gift of God 7/01
Song of the Apostles 1998
Spikenard: Waste or Worship? 7/01
Spiritual Formation: Youth Seminar, Philadelphia Church 7/18
Spiritual Strongholds: Things That Block the Blessings of God (Or Call the Plumber, My Pipeline is Clogged!) 3/00
T.U.L.I.P -- The Doctrines of God's Grace and Sovereignty (tulip)
The FIve Aspects of Christ's Atonement 12/02
The Problem with America's Roots 10/96
The Seed of Satan
Understanding the Heart Of The Holy Spirit 7/01
Understanding the Prophetic Today 7/01
When He Passes By
Who I am in Christ
Who I am in Christ - Scriptures

Strategic Prayers From Books by Dr. Mary Craig

A Prayer for Peace
A Prayer for Renewing the Mind
A Prayer for the Family
A Prayer for the Heart
A Prayer for Healing
A Prayer for the Lost
A Prayer of Deliverance
A Prayer of Salvation
A Prayer Seeking God for His True Light
A Prayer to Know The Will of God
A Prayer to Release the Power of the Blood
A Prayer Toward Inner Healing
A Prayer for Assurance of Salvation
Defeating Belial in the Midst
Disarming The Enemy
Prayer for Our Leaders Guide (One Nation Under God)  2/2016
Prayer Before Meetings
Prayer for the News
Prayer for the Persecuted
Prayer to Open the Eyes of the Blind
Praying the Covenant
Psalms to Pray that Bless God

Names of God

Free Prayer Manuals
Prayer Manuals Topic Index

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By Blood and Water
Mary Craig

The Body was broken,
Already dead.
But it was not enough
To the mind of evil.
No, the sword would pierce His side
After He had died.

Evil had its full, every desire
Satisfied and satiated.
But it wasn't enough.
It called for His Blood.
It called for death and the grave.

This One good, called evil by evil ones,
Was truly dead,
His soul surely stripped
Of any, and all, dignity.

At last the Mirror lay broken.
Now nothing, no law
Nor face of God,
Could convict of any flaw.

The contender for the crown
Surely dead,
Surely dead,
The Creator,
Be certain He is dead.

For now I shall reign and rule
As I will,
As I desire, My Self.
I shall be as God.

Is He dead?
Pierce His side that
I may gloat at this goat
Outside the camp.

Alas, what pours forth?
Blood and water?
Tell no one.
Speak of it to none.

Blood and Water?
He will not stay dead,
But rise.

Copyright © 1999 Mary J Craig

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Spiritual Guidance for Hurricanes and Disasters
Some Helpful Articles

Call 91:1 Twenty Four / Seven Dec. 2001
What is our comfort with terror striking its targets daily?
What can we do when we find ourselves falling into worry and fear and anxiety and even panic?...

Storms: Spiritual Torrents Sept. 2004
With Frances and Charley over and Ivan on the way, I am reminded of storms and how we handle them emotionally.
Some people panic, others are anxious but try to hide it, others are in a buying frenzy right now, some have a plan and are putting it into place and others have no plan and ride out the storms by default. Some Christians pray and others plead and beg. Some use platitudes to carry them through and others find their roots deep enough in Christ to keep them unshakeable during the times of turbulence and spiritual torrents....

The Comfort of the Scriptures Jan. 2005
My children have asked me, "Do you believe God now?"
When Charlie the white cat was struck down in the road purposely by a teenage driver, "Do you believe God now?" When Grandpa had a full-scale stroke that left him paralyzed for ten years, "Do you believe God now?" When six animals died in one year, "Do you believe God now?" When two grandmothers died in one year, "Do you believe God now?" When their daddy lost his job, "Do you believe God now?" When the hurricanes came and earthquakes and floods left a path of annihilation unparalleled in human history, "Do you believe God now?"...

In Everything Give Thanks Nov. 2005
Well, folks, we thought the hurricanes had passed, but Wilma breezed by October 24th with 110-120 mph winds leaving the Florida peninsula south of Lake Okeechobee (about ½ of the state) in devastation.
Electricity is lost at 8:00 a.m. as transformers pop and a large olive tree falls to block the street, barely missing the neighbor’s living room. Water is out. Phone lines are down. Tree limbs and leaves cover the ground on every street. Downed fences reveal whatever they were meant to hide, or protect, or conceal. Power lines dangle as streetlights crash to the roadways....

Giving Thanks When Adversity Strikes Nov. 2006
When a heavily armed outsider violated the peace and security of a small one-room schoolhouse in the Amish community
and shot execution-style 10 girls but let teachers, aides, and boys go free, the nation was shocked and outraged at the evil. Five girls aged 7-13 died, and the shooter killed himself; yet the Amish community found it within their hearts to minister the grace and forgiveness of Christ before the watching world by forgiving the assailant and extending forgiveness and financial help to his family. How?...

Psalm 93
The LORD reigneth, he is clothed with majesty; the LORD is clothed with strength, wherewith he hath girded himself: the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved.
Thy throne is established of old: thou art from everlasting.
The floods have lifted up, O LORD, the floods have lifted up their voice; the floods lift up their waves.
The LORD on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea.
Thy testimonies are very sure: holiness becometh thine house, O LORD, for ever.

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Copyright © 2000-Present, Mary Craig Ministries



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