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Some of Our Favorite Places to Visit
(Compiled by MCM's web manager)

Christianity / Messianic
Christian Organizations
Science and Creation
Christian Literature Resources
U.S. History and Government
Online and Downloadable Bible Resources
A Little Traveling Fun
Other Helpful Links

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We have listed these sites because they have material which we have found to be very profitable. But we have not been able to exhaustively examine each site. We also can't vouch for those to whom they link. While we may not agree with every single point on these web sites, they offer valuable insights in the work of Christ and the Christian life. Always be a good Berean, and check out things for yourself in the Word and through prayer, seeking the truth. We are called to follow Christ, not men, and to be led by the Holy Spirit, not by the dictates or dogmatics of men. If you find something that is questionable, please let us know. We will look into it, and take whatever corrective action is necessary. Dr. Mary Craig

Ligonier Ministries: Since its founding in 1971 by Dr. R.C. Sproul, Ligonier has been a fellowship of teachers dedicated to making the deep truths of the Christian faith accessible to growing believers. Articles and messages by Dr. John Piper Verse-by-verse Bible study and application. "We pray this online library helps you move beyond religion, beyond doctrines, beyond rules, beyond rituals, and into a life-changing experience of being intimately connected with Christ at the very core of your being — for this is authentic Christianity!"

Acts 17:11: Topical Bible Studies to encourage Christian living, spiritual insight, growth, and faith. "Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." (NIV) As with many sites referenced here, we do not agree with some of their doctrinal views.

Present Truth Magazine: Many good articles from a reformed perspective. We don't agree with all of their views, including cessation of gifts.

True Christian Faith: Be careful here. Many good and helpful articles, some may be from false teachers (Sadhu Sundar Singh), lots of ads and comments from many sources. (Note: The author's view that salvation can be lost is not accurate. True salvation can never be lost. But we highly commend many of the articles on his site if you are biblically and spiritually discerning!)

Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry: CARM's website provides comprehensive, well documented information on Christianity and non-Christian cults such as Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, the Christadelphians, Unitarians, Christian Science, etc. It also covers theology, the New Age movement, evolution, atheism, and many more subjects. Includes a dictionary of theology, a section on tough questions, and dialogues with non-Christians.

300 Old Testament prophecies foretelling the coming of the Messiah and their fulfillment in Jesus of Nazareth.

Jews for Jesus: Why believe? . . . How to Believe . . . Jews who believe . . . Full Articles Index

Chaim (Life): A Reformed ministry to Jewish people. - The Deity of Christ: Scriptures and charts covering every aspect of the deity of Christ. The best we've seen on the Net so far!

Lambert Dolphin's Resource Files: God and the laws of physics - A physicist's search.

Koinonia House Interactive: Bible, science, prophetic, multimedia . . . A massive, highly organized resource with questions and answers and a huge amount of information on every conceivable subject related to God, Chrstianity and the Bible. Basic answers to most of your questions and questions you never thought of!

The Names of God: Almost 700 names, titles and descriptions of God. From the Names of God list at Character Building for Families plus more added. Many unique names of God from Scripture, some from the O.T. Hebrew, are on this list.

950 Names and Titles of God: Extremely well organized and indexed list of God's names and titles in the Bible with definitions of each name from Hebrew and Greek. (There are a number names that are essentially duplicates, but so well organized and helpful that it's worth it.)

The Names of God by Lambert Dolphin: Very in depth study in the original languages of the names of God and the Trinity.

The Names, Titles, and Characteristics of the Son of God

The Names of the Holy Spirit

The ORIGINAL Unabridged Serenity Prayer: The entire serenity prayer, the author's biography, and background of the prayer.

Angels: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

True Christian Faith: Spiritual warfare and deliverance from demons: A good spiritual warfare and deliverance section. Thorough, yet not overwhelming. A good place to start on your road to deliverance.

True Christian Faith: Turning Curses into Blessings

Article: Compassion for the Widows: Elisha: Prophet of Compassion and Confrontation.

Ephesians How to lead Masons out of Freemasonry. "Have nothing to do with the evil deeds of darkness, but rather expose them." Lots of articles, documented facts on anti-Christian Masonic beliefs and rituals, testimonies of ex-Masons, and teaching materials. The whole relevant text from Eph. 5:

7 Therefore do not be partakers with them;
8 for you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord; walk as children of Light
9 (for the fruit of the Light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth),
10 trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord.

11 Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them;
12 for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret.
13 But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light.
14 For this reason it says,
"Awake, sleeper,
And arise from the dead,
And Christ will shine on you."
15 Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise,
16 making the most of your time, because the days are evil.

Freemasonry: The Trojan Horse in the Church: Testimony of a pastor's battle with Freemasonry in the church.

Ex-Mason's for Jesus website

Evangelical Truth: An Evangelical view of Freemasonry and the Loyal Orders. Some details on the inner workings and some ceremonies of the Freemasons and related/similar orders, and analysis from an Evangelical Christian perspective.

History Channel - The Freemasons: The Secret Brotherhood of Freemasons DVD. Recommended! Does a good job of exposing the background of Freemasonry, the connection with Washington D.C., and involvement of some of our founders and other American and world leaders in the organization. "George Washington, Paul Revere and Ben Franklin were all members. So were Mozart and Duke Ellington [a famous African-American jazz artist]. The Freemasons are the world's most famous secret society, a nearly 400-year-old organization whose influence is the subject of intense debate...." (Some minor inaccuracies and over-dramatization.)

Gospel Resources for Muslims: Lots of resources and info for Muslims and Christians regarding Jesus and Islam. The best, most extensive collection of pictures and photos of Bible places we have seen on the Net. Well organized, excellent descriptions. Sample hi resolution photos are available for download, CD collections for purchase. You'll probably need a high-speed connection to view some of this.

TCT Faith in History (Tri-State Christian Television): Many good episodes on the role the Christian faith has played in U.S. History

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Advocates International: Bearing witness of Jesus Christ through the legal profession by encouraging and enabling advocates
to meet locally, organize nationally, cooperate regionally and link globally.
Doing justice with compassion. Luke 10:25-37

Christian Legal Society: CLS is "dedicated to serving Jesus Christ through the practice and study of law, the defense of religious freedom and life, and the provision of legal aid to the needy."

Voice of the Martyrs: "VOM was founded thirty-five years ago [as of 2000] by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand [a Jewish believer], who was imprisoned in Communist Romania for 14 years for his faith in Christ. His wife, Sabina, was imprisoned for three years. In the 1960s, Richard, Sabina, and their son, Mihai, were ransomed out of Romania and came to the United States. Through their travels, the Wurmbrands spread the message of the atrocities that Christians face in restricted nations, while establishing a network of offices dedicated to assisting the persecuted church."

Int'l Justice Mission: A Christian ministry, led by human rights professionals, that helps people suffering injustice and oppression.

Int'l Christian Concern: Raising awareness on the human rights issue of religious freedom and the persecution of people of faith around the world. Go here to see the latest news briefs and prayer info.

"We believe that the most important thing we as Christians can do for the persecuted Church is prayer. We believe that prayer should be the center of all that we do in the Lord. Secondly, we believe that Christians need to be aware of modern persecution and remember them and their needs in prayer. Thirdly we believe that if the Lord has placed it on their heart to help in some other way, then they should respond accordingly."

World Camp for Jesus: "Empowering the next generation of servant leaders." Jesus: "Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you” (Jn 13:13-15). "For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).

Child Evangelism Fellowship: Ministering the Gospel to children worldwide, starting and leading Bible clubs in public schools. SE Florida chapter: CEF of Lighthouse

Widows Harvest Ministries: A worldwide gospel and caring ministry to widows.

Christian Veterinary Missions: Helping abused animals worldwide. "Read about veterinarians who are living abroad, working with the poorest of the poor to share Christ's love through veterinary medicine."

Arise and Shine for Jesus: "A Titus 2 hospice ministry for women. A special gathering of women uniting together hand in hand in Christian love..." A place for abused and hurting women to find love, healing, and restoration in Jesus.

Kmission Bulgaria: Ministry of Viktor and Teresa Kostov, serving God as missionaries in Bulgaria and Eastern European nations. "We work to strengthen and challenge the church to serve God, not man. We want Christians to be equipped to spread the love of God and the good news about our savior and Lord Jesus Christ. In the process we are open to learn more about our own need for Christ in our own lives.
We train Christians to be committed disciples of Jesus. For the training we use the Word of God, and our own life as an example. Our goal is to prepare believers for serving God in these last days in Bulgaria and in other nations."

Friends of Animal Care - Broward: Thousands of homeless Animals in Broward County, Florida need your help. The Friends of Animal Care provide medicine to treat sick animals, increase adoptions, reunite lost pets with their owners, and to promote responsible pet ownership. By contributing to this all volunteer, nonprofit organization, you can save the lives of our furry dog and cat friends in the two shelters operated by the Broward County Animal Care and Regulation Division.

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Lambert Dolphin's Resource Files: God and the laws of physics - A physicist's search.

Koinonia House Interactive: Bible, science, prophetic, multimedia . . .

Institute for Creation Research: What is the scientific evidence for the creation account in Genesis? What is the scientific evidence for the theory of evolution? Start here to see what creation oriented biologists, physicists, paleontologists, archeologists, geologists, and other scientists are discovering through continuing research.

Creation Research Society: Peer reviewed journals and articles on the issue of creation vs. evolution.

Center for Scientific Creation: "Compelling evidence for creation and the flood." Comprehensive research presented by a former evolutionist. "Whether you are looking for scientific support for your faith or answers to questions about God and science, Reasons To Believe exists for you." The thousands of articles and media programs on this site answer questions about creation/evolution, dinosaurs, and much more.

We do not hold adamantly to a position as to how "young" the earth is, though Scripture doesn't seem to allow for an age of billions of years. Neither is there any evidence of a "gap" allowing for a previous creation between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, if the Hebrew and context is properly understood (other than possibly the angelic creation which could have been before the Genesis account). We believe in the interpretation of Genesis from beginning to end as being given by God word for word, including six "evenings and mornings" representing normal, consecutive days of creation in chapter 1 as understood by the Hebrews at the time it was given to them and as given to us now. It's unlikely that a Genesis "day" and "evening" was 24 of our hours long at that time (the physical realm is not eternally "fixed" in every detail, not even the speed of light). But we don't believe a Genesis day could have been months or years of time. The bottom line is that it is exactly as God said in Genesis and for us to still understand where we don't have understanding yet. The web manager.

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CHRISTIAN LITERATURE RESOURCES Tremendous number of research tools and resources right at your fingertips with your search results. See Online Bible Resources for more details.

Christian Classics Ethereal Library: Christian Classics online.

Christian Bookshop resources and links: Excellent historical, classical, and revival resources and links for deeper study.

ICLNET - Christian Literature on the Internet: Links to online Christian literature and resources.

ICLNET - Early Church Documents: Early Christian documents online.

Christian Classics Etherial Library ( A huge online library of classic Christian writings.

Christian Bookshop Welsh revival documentaries and biographies: Documentaries, biographies, and sermons from original sources, including newspaper accounts. Evan Roberts, Duncan Campell, Richard Baxter, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, John Wesley, J. Edwards, C.T. Studd, John Bunyan, Spurgeon, McCheyene, Tyndale, Bernard of Clairvaux, and others.

Bible-Researcher: "Internet Resources for Students of Scripture. ...For Bible students who are looking for detailed information on the history of the canon, texts, and versions of Scripture." A comprehensive research project done by a PhD (in physics) resulting his own translations of Josephus' works, working from Winston and Loeb where necessary, adding his own commentary with the texts on the passages to explain/clarify (as he understands it). Downloadable texts are on his home page. Also a link to the original Greek texts of Josephus' works.

Century One Bookstore: Lots of excellent archeological and historical research and information, as well as Bibles, books and multimedia. We urge caution regarding the materials presented on this site. While very good scholarship and research is found here, there is no apparent belief in the inspiration of the Bible/Scripture. This results in books and materials which seek for or present works on various subjects where scholarship and research take priority over the inspiration and authority of Scripture. We believe that the Scriptures as given by God to the authors of the original manuscripts of the Bible are infallible, inerrant and are the final authority and source for truth.

Net Hymnal: The most comprehensive collection of Christian hymns I have found on the Internet. "Over 10,000 Christian hymns, author bios, composer biographies, hymn histories and gospel songs from many denominations. You’ll find lyrics, scores, MIDI files, pictures, history, and more. Searchable, advanced auto­play feature, free down­loads." 11/2015 This site seems to have been taken over by someone and recreated as a Wordpress site with advertising added. Does not seem to be much updating or addition of hymns since the "take-over".

The Cyber Hymnal ( The new "New Hymnal"? Seems to contain most of the same pages as Net Hymnal / (above), but appears to have improved formatting of those pages with more and updated info on hymns and authors and new hymns being added. Comparing the "A" listing of hymns, this site has far more hymns listed than Net Hymnal. It's often faster and easier to just click on a letter-link (e.g. "Titles") to get to the page for all hymns starting with a certain letter and then do a browser search (<Ctrl>-<F>) of the page with the key words in the title of the hymn you are searching for. (Both sites.) The most comprehensive hymnal knowledgebase on the Internet. Massive information, music info, variations of tunes and lyrics, arrangements, tabs, etc. for each hymn. There is so much information (tho well organized and formatted), it can be difficult or tricky to find where to play the tune. A lot of variety, styles and formats (midi and mp3) for a LOT of hymns.

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Original Documents Very extensive and comprehensive coverage and original content, documents and political essays and speeches which lay the foundation for our republic and leading to our modern day concepts of what the United Sates of America is (or should be) as a nation from the Magna Carta, Mayflower Compact, Articles of Confederation, U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights and Amendments through the latest news, documents and Supreme Court rulings today (including speeches and writings by Frederick Douglass, Davey Crockett, Martin Luther King, Ronald Regan, Joseph Lieberman). Including a section on Federalism and the Federalist Papers and Antifederalist Papers in which the arguements for and against Federalism (stronger federal government vs. states/individual rights) by the founding fathers were put forth leading up to the creation of the U.S. Constitution and tripartite/equal-powers government.

Constitution Society: "This site aims to eventually provide almost everything one needs to accurately decide what is and is not constitutional in most situations, and what applicable constitutions require one to do. It is for constitutional decision support."

Wikipedia: Bill of Rights: "The Bill of Rights is the name by which the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution are known.[1] They were introduced by James Madison to the First United States Congress in 1789 as a series of articles, and came into effect on December 15, 1791, when they had been ratified by three-fourths of the States. An agreement to create the Bill of Rights helped to secure ratification of the Constitution itself.[2]"

Constitution Society: Documentary History of the Bill of Rights

US Constitution Online: Other critical U.S. historical documents including Thomas Jefferson's wall of separation letter (from whence comes the commonly misunderstood statement relating to the 1st amendment, "There is a wall of separation between Church and state").

Archiving Early America: "Here you will discover a wealth of resources — a unique array of primary source material from 18th Century America. Scenes and portraits from original newspapers, maps and writings come to life on your screen just as they appeared to this country's forebears more than two centuries ago.
As you browse through these pages, you will find it easier to understand the people, places and events of this significant time in the American experience."

WallBuilders: "Presenting America's forgotten history, patriarchs and heroes, with an emphasis on the moral, religious, and constitutional foundation on which America was built." In depth, documented books and articles by David Barton based on original documents and letters from our founders and others, with many of the original and/or quoted documents available on the site. In a departure from the norm, they also dig into Black history and the slavery issue which is vital to understanding our history and who we are as a nation.

The accuracy of the message and research in the books, articles and media materials varies from good to very biased (towards his Evangelical perspective) apart from historical facts. David Barton, overall, usually does better than other similar Evangelical attempts to convey the Christian/biblical basis of our beginnings (but you need to carefully check his sources), the original intent of our founders and our constitution.

The balance of depicting the extent of non or partly Christian (mainly deistic, Judaic and commercial/profit "I know of no country, indeed, where the love of money has taken stronger hold on the affections of men..." Tocqueville) and Masonic influence is weak, as it is in most such endeavors that I'm aware of. George Washington, though having strong nominal Christian values for instance, was a third degree Master Mason and never showed evidence of a true knowledge of Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Thomas Payne, Benjamin Franklin and others also had deist and/or non-Christian values and beliefs. Jewish people, African Americans and Native Americans also had a crucial role in our founding.

Keeping all of this in mind, I think this site provides some of the best information and documentation on the preponderance of the Christian mindset in/biblical roots of our history. I highly recommend reading their About Us page. "...The propitious [favorable] smiles of heaven can never be expected on a nation which disregards the eternal rules of order and right which heaven itself has ordained," George Washington. Also highly recommended original sources: Democracy in America by Tocqueville (or see some key quotations), The Federalist Papers, The Anti-Federalist Papers. The web manager

American Experiment: 'A republic, if you can keep it' ... or remember what that means: What form of government do we have?

Faith of Our Fathers: Go here for much more on the faith of our founding fathers and early America.

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These sites provide an incredible array of tools and reference works for Bible study and research. They also link to some "bibles" and translations/paraphrases that we dislike or find very inaccurate and/or unfaithful to the original texts as we believe God gave them. We caution you to be alert to translations that are in serious error. Unfortunately, we have no input on which translations these sites make available for study. We will be praying and looking for ways to clarify which translations we think are worth using and which we think should be avoided. The translation most used at MCM is the New King James Version, also the King James Version, though we use several translations and original language sources for Bible study.

Online Bible Research/Study Sites Appears to have been bought out buy a secular company as of about 2020. The site is completely different with heavy advertising.

From BEFORE the change, some things may still apply, most or all resources appear to still be there, but the user interface (UI) is different and full parsing of words in the original language tools is gone. Mostly old, public domain resources but Includes several classic old ones such as Gesenius' Lexicon not found in other online Bible tools:

Tremendous number of Bible study research tools and resources (though mostly older public domain ones) right at your fingertips with your search results. If you plan to use this resource much, you need to take advantage of the "Set Preferences" link, hidden under the "Search" button.) For word searches, use an ( * ) (e.g. proph*) for wildcard searches. Enter a verse reference to go to a verse. Has parallel/interlinear hyperlinked (to lexicon) language texts including choice of OT Biblica Hebraica, Greek Septuagint, 1894 Textus Receptus (Scrivener), 1991 Byzantine/Majority Greek text, and Nestle-Aland's, including lexical and Strong's hyperlinks. Also provides more Bible translations to work with than most, including early translations such as LV, Tyndale, Bishop's, Geneva, etc., should you ever want to go that far. And a cool SpeedSearch capability. Do not be put off by the "technical" stuff. This site is easy to use and you only work with the features you want!

Here is a comparitive review of both and

Some of the real "modern" translations, such as Good News, Today's English Version, and several others are so far from the original text that we don't recommend them. Also avoid Coffman's commentary (the only well known Bible study resource that has this commentary) unless you are well versed in the false teachings / false gospel of that group (Campbelist Church of Christ).

Bullinger's Figures of Speech Used in the Bible on Many scriptures are mistranslated and/or misinterpreted because of failure to understand when the author is using a "figure of speech" vs. "speaking plainly" (or literally). E.W. Bullinger's breakdown and study of figures of speech in the Bible gives most of the figures used (there are at least 700 figures of speech in human language) and explains them. Three recommended figures to start with: Metaphor; or representation, Metonymy; or change of noun, Metalepsis; or double metonymy.
From the Introduction: From non-attention to these Figures, translators have made blunders as serious as they are foolish. Sometimes they have translated the figure literally, totally ignoring its existence; sometimes they have taken it fully into account, and have translated, not according to the letter, but according to the spirit; sometimes they have taken literal words and translated them figuratively. Commentators and interpreters, from inattention to the figures, have been led astray from the real meaning of many important passages of God's Word; while ignorance of them has been the fruitful parent of error and false doctrine. It may be truly said that most of the gigantic errors of Rome, as well as the erroneous and conflicting views of the Lord's People, have their root and source, either in figuratively explaining away passages which should be taken literally, or in taking literally what has been thrown into a peculiar form or Figure of language: thus, not only falling into error, but losing the express teaching, and missing the special emphasis which the particular Figure was designed to impart to them. Lots of excellent Bible study tools and reference works here in dozens of languages, including excellent Hebrew and Greek Interlinear tools. Their Bible atlas and visuals are great. They are constantly adding to and improving their resources and study tools. still excels for search and integration of some tools such as online Bible, lexicon, encyclopedia, etc. But much easier to use than Studylight with it's graphics-based user interface, but resources are not always as integrated with each other. They have some resources Studylight doesn't such as BDB (Brown, Driver and Briggs Hebrew Lexicon) and others and are always adding more. Owned and developed by Christian Books Group ( No advertisments.

Here is a comparitive review of both and Interlinear Bible: The best interlinear (Greek or Hebrew with word-for-word English translation) Bible tool on the Internet. Super easy to read and use for English only and language knowledgeable users alike. Includes clickable Strong's definitions, Just remember that "word-for-word translations" do not convey the full (or even accurate) meaning of many words or verses. E.g. How do you translate word-for-word "cool", "hot", "nut case" or "turn on", etc. into Polish or some other language? Is the speaker using the word or phrase literally? Figuratively? In either case it can take several words to attempt to convey the sense and meaning as closely as possible into the target language. Studying concordance/ lexicon (e.g. Strong's) word definitions and useage (included), multiple translations and good commentaries from scholared commentators who know the original languages and grammar is still very important.

Blue Letter Bible: Lots of Bible study tools, commentaries, theological and apologetics resources and charts -- many that are not found on other Bible study sites. No advertisements. (Please donate if you use!)

Bible Gateway: An excellent Bible research tool with multiple versions and languages. This is the one used extensively for the scripture links throughout this website. Has valuable search options not found on other Bible database sites. They have the best "print your results" feature, in the webmanager's opinion. Some of the translations, such as Contemporary English Version, and others tend to stray so far from the original text that we don't recommend them. The same caveat holds true for most of the other links in this section.

Parallel Plus ( An awesome, comprehensive free (but please donate) parallel Bible tool including many of the best study resources.

Bible Gateway Languages: Over 75 online bibles, in over 50 languages. Online Bible Search and first class, free bible study program and downloadable bibles in many languages. Hebrew & Greek tools (transliterated), commentaries, bible dictionaries, bible encyclopedias, lexicons, bible maps, and more. (Or get the CD with everything for $3.) (Unicode (non-western) texts can only be downloaded and viewed as HTML files.)
As of 5/2009 no release for Windows Vista. The latest version, 5.0 should probably work on Vista, but if they are not developing further you may not want to make this your main Bible study program. Online bibles in over many languages. Advanced Bible Search: Advanced search in multiple versions and languages. YouVersion free online, computer, phone and tablet-based Bible apps and Bible study tools. Loads of Bible versions, well designed, easy to flip through many versions. Heavy focus on community/social networking emphasized but not required -- that part can be a distraction (we think). Pick any translation and/or Greek and Hebrew texts to study in parallel (From Logos Bible Software).

Some helpful resources from Learn more about the NET Bible. A history of English Bible translations and Why so many translations (messages given by Dr. Daniel Wallace -- one of the translators and presumably founder of the Net Bible project).

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Free Bible Programs and Packages

These are free Bible programs which include all free public domain bibles, books and reference works and also allow for adding copyrighted bibles, books and reference works and very low prices for add-ons.

The Sword Project for Windows: Free Bible study program and downloadable bibles in over 50 languages. Numerous Hebrew & Greek tools (transliterated), commentaries, bible dictionaries, bible encyclopedias, lexicons, devotionals, books, and more. (Or get the CD with everything for $3.) Very clean, easy to use interface, powerful search. No NASB, NKJV, NIV or Amplfied.

The Sword Project for Windows - Add-in Modules: Here's the page where you can download all the add-in modules.

CrossWire Bible Society (Sword Project): Other Bible Programs using the same CrossWire modules as The Sword. BPBible may be the most promising in the list, perhaps becoming an improvement over the original Sword program.

Cross Country's Online Bible Main Site: Free Bible program for Windows, Mac and PDAs, plus loads of downloadable bibles in many languages, ancient, interlinear, Hebrew and Greek texts, reference works, tools, maps, libraries, multimedia, etc. Cross Country has the largest collection of free and low-priced material of any Bible software site by far, that I (the webmaster) am aware of (as of 2002). About 60 bibles and works free or at nominal cost, plus about 20 bibles in other languages, including the original original KJV 1611 (not the same as commonly known and used 1789 edition). The software and many add-in modules are free to download. Copywrited translations (NKJV, NASB, Amplified, NIV, etc) and literature unlock codes are available at the lowest prices. See the Windows Online Bible page for the software and modules that are free to download. The Online Bible Starter DVD set with a huge collections of Bible texts, references, books and other works is $40, $20 for missionaries, excluding royalty charges for copyrighted works if you want them unlocked. Their 20-CD Ages Christian Library Books and Reference Series is $300) Downsides: The user interface (UI) is rather outdated, difficult and doesn't take advantage of the usual modern Windows conventions or techniques compared to other programs. Using more than a few texts/refs/tools gets difficult. Words of Christ are not in red. It comes down to whether you want to have free and really low-cost access to a huge library of Bible texts, reference works and books at the cost of a difficult user interface (compared to others).

Cross Country - Online Bible (N. America): Cross Country's N. America site. Free Bible program for Windows and Mac with lots of downloadable bibles in many languages, ancient and interlinear texts, reference works, tools, maps, libraries, multimedia, etc. Copyrighted major translations are available for nominal fees on the Locked Versions page. The NKJV module is only $5. (May be available with other programs at around that price too. Haven't checked the others.)

E-Sword: A very comprehensive, feature rich, easy to use Bible program and reference package, including numerous translations in many languages, Greek & Hebrew texts, maps, and reference works. Developed by Rick Meyers, a Bible student, teacher, and software developer. Support for this ministry is suggested. No ESV or NET versions on their site; so far. You may be abile to import for other sources. Many love it, but I came across one complaint (2009) that it is limited, slow and computer-resource hungry.

The Word: Gets the highest rating for free Bible Software from Bible Software Review. As of 6/2011 this may be the best Bible software for the price. Loads of add-on modules (Bibles, dictionaries, commentaries, books, devotionals, maps and lots more). And always adding more to their library at a pretty rapid pace. Prices for copyrighted works are reasonable.

Bible Analyzer: Somewhat similar to E-Sword and The Word, but has scripture analysis capabilities and resources no other Bible software (commercial or free) has, including ALL of the works of E.W. Bullinger. (We don't agree with his theology, but his Bible Companion notes and "Figures of Speech Used in the Bible" are invaluable for correctly understanding many scriptures and are without equal.) Here is a good review and overview of Bible Analyzer.

Scripture4All Interlinear Scripture Analyzer (ISA): Greek / Hebrew interlinear Bible program
"Powerful, sophisticated, analytical interlinear Bible program." A great help in studying the Bible text in the original languages.
Use caution with this program. Check against other reliable translations.. IAC uses the "Concordant Interlinear Version" (CIV) for its interlinear English text -- An extremely faulty translation by Adolph Knoch who does not appear to have completed either masters or doctoral level study in the ancient languages. He developed seriously heretical views, especially about Christ, salvation and hell, which come through in the translation. ISA can be very helpful if you are alert to the many translation defects and errors in the CIV text used for the interlinear. I recommend selecting Young's Literal Translation (YLT) and/or ASV for the side column.
Excerpt from Wikipedia (as of 10/17/09):
Knoch's work on the Concordant Bible translation led to the development of his theological beliefs.
He came to the conclusion that some doctrines, which his church [Plymouth Brethren] had required him to believe, resulted conspicuously from inaccurate or incorrect translations of the Bible, and Knoch discarded them.
These include, for example, teaching about Hell.
Though in a revised forom, but still in principle, he retained the strong dispensationalism of the Brethren Movement (developed by Darby), and the two different gospels for the Jews and the Nations.
The views of Ethelbert William Bullinger may also have influenced him. Knoch was put off by the doctrine of the Trinity, saying that its sense of Divinity of Jesus Christ as being equal with God the Father is not biblical.
He also said that the soul dissolves upon death, as the soul from the body and the mind is (soul sleep). Knoch believed the doctrine of the immortal soul to be an unscriptural doctrine of Plato.

The Unbound Bible: Advanced search in multiple languages, versions, and reference works. (Ideal for searching in non-English and non-Western languages.)

World English Bible (WEB): A good public domain (free to copy) modern update of the American Standard Version (ASV) of 1901.

World English Bible Messianic Edition: The Hebrew Names Version (HNV) of the above World English Bible. Same as WEB, but with all names in Hebrew (transliterated).

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Free Commercial Bible Programs and Packages

These are commercial grade (generally higher quality and easier to use) programs/packages that are free, but you pay a premium to add more bibles, books and reference modules. Some of these companies charge more than others for similar add-ons. Searching on Google for reviews and evaluating them yourself can help you decide which one(s) will work best for you.

Olive Tree Bible Reader: The best mobile phone Bible app and resource library out there in the web manager's opinion. They have a huge library including many popular original language resources, tools and texts available. (We have also found mistakes in the language tools, but this is probably typical of all digitized content.) Many free bibles, resources, Hebrew and Greek texts. The paid resources are expensive compared to other Bible apps -- you can wait for sales that come out regularly for 20% to 25% off and once or twice a year 50% off.

Laridian Pocket Bible: The NEXT best mobile phone Bible app (in our opinion) and lots of Bible study resources at very reasonable prices. A big gripe is that it doesn't have scrolling capability (so far as of 3/2013), just paging left or right. But if you learn the gestures for how to get around you can get somewhat used to it.

Theophilos: "Packed with powerful features that you wouldn’t expect to find in a free program." Comes with KJV, downloadable Greek texts and other commonly available public domain translations. Also other Christian works and Bible translations in other languages.. Free and pay-for Bibles, dictionaries, commentaries, Christian writings and user-created add-ons are available on the Download Books page. Consider the $129 CD offer carefully -- I don't know if it's worth the price. (It may be -- I haven't checked it out.)

E4 All the standard public domain Bibles, plus a tremendous library of reference works, including Greek and Hebrew for free plus S&H. S&H is $7.95 and requested donation is $5 (optional). This looks like it may have at least as much as Cross Country (above), maybe more, in terms of reference works. The downside is that, besides the public domain Bibles (KJV, ASV 1901, etc.) freely available with all Bible software, there is only 1 major Bible translation available, so far (2009) for $10 extra -- NKJV. The biggest plus, according to the developers, is that they use the Libronix Digital Library System (DLS) from Logos Bible Software. See more info on this at www.logos, and What is the Libronix Digital Library System? The software/library system is proprietary, so I don't know how many other Bible software publisher's modules are compatible with this. You may want to find out if they plan to make other Bible translation modules available before paying very much for extra reference works. Many add-ons seem to be very expensive.

Bible Software Reviews

These reviews are done by and aimed for "lay" people as opposed to those interested or studying in the original languages. I recommend visiting these review sites and reading the visitor comments to help you decide where to invest your time and money.

Bible Software Review: Excellent reviews on the most well-know Bible packages. Does not include analysis of the original language tools in his reviews. Thanks to Jerry Foster for the great work. A well-said comment to keep in mind: "...quantity does not equal quality...If I could have ESV, NKJV, NLT, Reverse-Interlinear ESV, and a 3 good commentaries, a lexicon, and a dictionary and I'm good. :-)". Review comments (recommended).

Iterating; Bible Software Reviews: Some basic reviews and ratings on Bible software done by visitors to the site.

Dales Bible Study Software Listing: Brief description and links to most of the known Bible packages available.

Pay Commercial Bible Programs and Packages

Same comments as above. Commercial grade (higher quality and easier to use) programs/packages. Some of these companies charge more than others for similar add-ons. Searching on Google for reviews and evaluating them yourself can help you decide which one(s) will work best for you.

WordSearch: Acquired by Logos Bible Software in 2020. But most of the info below applies to Logos as well. One

of the best, most comprehensive, feature-rich and easiest to use Bible research packages "that keeps the Bible itself in focus. Starting at $50 ($35 when on sale) for the Thompson Chain Reference (TCR) Library edition.

The TCR library edition includes (besides TCR) KJV and all standard public domain English translations plus NASB, NKJV, Strongs, dictionaries, commentaries, maps, illustrations and photo libraries, some early Church documents, over 1400 free and pay-for add-on bibles and reference works with multimedia and Hebrew/Greek audio pronunciation. Register (give them your personal info and a brief survey), and get 6 more modules including Smith's and ESV. As of 6/24/09, additonal free works: Greek NT Stephanus 1550, Greek NT Tischendorf, Greek NT Scrivener, Greek NT Wescott & Hort, KJV Apocropha and Wuest Expanded NT for $16. Be forewarned that they often hit you when opening the program to buy more.
(Honestly, I can do more more quickly sometimes with StudyLight (online) than any of the Bible programs, esp. when saving or emailing my research to others.) WordSearch version 9 is supposed to come out soon (as of 7/09). There will be major improvements and enhancements, so much of this may be included.

The many choices and packages offered on the site for both programs are almost dizzying -- you might want to call them to see what packag(es) they recommend. Just be alert to the high prices of everything else if you want to add them. You can get many of the same things at 1/2 the price or free with the above freeware packages.

The developers need to make a profit, so it's fair to pay reasonable prices but their prices for add-ons are high (about 50% markup). OTOH, they provide free lifetime phone and email support, training videos and module/bundle sales, so this has to be paid for somehow.

One caveat -- after installing the program you may be tempted to buy more bibles, books, ref. works and other downloads. The add-ons are well integrated but pricey. Be careful on their sale and "bundle" prices -- they can be confusing. Sometimes the best way to buy is to look at their website sale catalog and pick the bundle that has everything or most of you want. However, if any of the individual works in the bundle are on sale, you can end up spending more for the bundle than if you bought the just the what you wanted individually. You can call them and sometimes get them to work with you on pricing, esp. if you already have some of the modules/works in a bundle you want (don't do monthly payments) AND you can find some good deals at the above (or other) store sites. A blogger's review.

Logos Bible Software: One of the most popular and well-known, also may be one of the most expensive to get everything you want. Much more difficult to learn than WordSearch, but with persistance and practice with the tutorials you can eventually get much more out of it than you could with WordSearch. With this software, you get the best deal by starting out with the package that has want you will ever want, as the individual works are expensive.

Logos acquired WordSearch in 2020. I (the webmaster) have made the switch from WordSearch to Logos. (I actually use many Bible study tools and apps, but WordSearch, along with Olive Tree Bible and Bible Hub, was one of my top goto Bible apps.) Logos graciously provided a special free Bible/resource package for WS owners. They, over the next year, gradually migrated most of the resources from WS into Logos. It had to be an enormous project.

Still, for me (the webmaster) it was almost a nightmare after being so used to having everything I wanted at my fingertips in WordSearch. WordSearch is MUCH more intiutive than Logos, whereas "intuitiveness" for the Logos user interface(s) (UI) / ease of use is not even taken into consideration (from what I can tell). BUT the power and comprehensiveness of Logos is vastly superior (AND more expensive), once you begin to learn how to use it.

Logos wants you to spend many hours studying and watching their free and paid tutorials in order to learn how to use it. (Or hire an expert personal Logos tutor, which gets you into the Logos "mindset" and software much faster, but costs much more.)

Utlimately, after much struggle and watching tutorials, in begins to pay off. To a large extent, you need to learn THEIR way of bible study (not necessarily a bad thing) to get the best use out it. That has its pros and cons, but it appears that the designers and contributors are truly software experts and high-level systematic Bible scholars. So learning "their" way to study the Bible and related resources can ultimately be a big pro. For most first-time users, opening Logos over the first year will be extremely overwhelming. Logos could save everyone a huge amount of time and trouble and probably appeal to far more uninitiated Bible believers by making it much easier to use and customize to your liking. This COULD be a "con" if you end up developing inefficent ways of using software to do Bible study/research.

SwordSearcher: Another popular, easy to use Bible package starting at $50. Scripture is the focus, all reference works/add-on scripture references link to scripture. The only major English translations are KJV and ASV 1901, in addition to the other usual public domain translations. Includes Greek texts and some less commonly available (at this price) references works and commentaries. Hundreds of color maps and illustrations.

Accordance: The most popular Bible package on the Mac and considered in the Mac community and others to be the best and easiest to use of any Bible research package on ANY platform. Expensive. Now with a Mac emulator program that enables it to run in Windows. But Windows users will have to get used to it's Mac interface. Windows users should do lots of preparation before installing and using the the emulator and Accordance. Or better, get a used Mac or a Mac Pro, if you can afford it, which runs both Mac OSX and Windows concurrently with Parallels. See this review of Accordance with Windows emulator. Very easy to use, Bible focused, very powerful and loaded with features and add-ons. You may get better pricing from resellers.

BibleWorks: Discontinued as of 2018, but still supported for existing license owners. One of the best Bible research programs available for very in depth, original languages based study and research not found in any other Bible software. Very Expensive. Steep learning curve, but unmatched bible/linguistic research capabilities once you master it. You should know the original languages and grammar to get the best results from this program.

Complete Text: KJV Bible (King James Version) NKJV Bible (Modern English)

After clicking on KJV Bible or NKJV Bible wait for the whole thing to load, then click on Genesis or go way down the page to the New Testament & click on Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, etc.

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Live webcams from around the world
High speed internet connection recommended

Note the time zones, relative to Eastern Standard Time. You can only see the "daylight only" sites if you click in during daylight hours. So, if you click on Mt. Fuji, Japan at 9 am EST (Eastern Standard Time), it will be 11 pm Japan time and you won't see anything.

Jerusalem, The Western Wall Live: (7 hrs. ahead of EST, not always working.)

Mount Fuji, Japan!: (14 hrs. ahead of EST, daylight only.) Requires Java to operate the webcam. Click the picture to start.

Paris, France: (6 hrs. ahead of EST.)

New York City, USA - Times Square: If you have Windows Media Player, you can view and listen to the live video stream, honking taxi cabs and all!

Travelocity Video Gallery: Go on a video tour of all the most fascinating places around the world. If you do not have either Real Player or QuickTime installed on your computer, you will have to download and install one of them to view.

FlightView: Track any flight in progress. (If you click the "Launch Live" button, be prepared to wait while it loads.)
Another flight tracker:
FlightStats and FlightLight

San Diego Zoo Elephant Cam: Live from the San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park. (God loves animals and so do we!)

What Time is it in...? Satellite-based image of earth with daylight and night areas displayed in realtime. Updates every two minutes.

World Time Zones Day/Night Regions Map: World time zones map of the Earth showing the day and night regions at this moment.

World Time Server: Pick your country/city to find the current time from the scroll bar at the right.

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Some background on the East gate (or Golden Gate) of Jerusalem.

Photos: Gates of the Old City | Jerusalem Gate | Original Jerusalem (City of David) | Tower of David 3D

The Romans destroyed Jerusalem and completely razed it and the Temple after ending the Jewish revolts in 70 and 132 A.D. as Jesus foretold around 33 A.D. (Mat. 24) They rebuilt Jerusalem as a Roman city which they called Aelia Capitolina (the rest of Judea was renamed Palistina), leaving only part of the Temple's outer west wall and two Herodian guard towers from the original buildings. "The sealed gate on the eastern side was built approximately 640 A.D. either by the last of the Byzantine rulers [who would have rebuilt it opened at that time] or by the first of the Arab conquerors [around 810 A.D.]." Gates of the Old City

The Ottoman Turks conquered the city around 1500 A.D and completed construction of the city walls. The British entered Jerusalem in 1917 during WW I. The League of Nations and later the United Nations mandated British administration until the UN voted and approved a partition arrangement for the Jews and Arabs in the land, granting independence to Israel in 1948. Arab armies invaded from the surrounding countries and Jordan took possession of the Old City. Israel ultimately defended and extended its territory and established its sovereignty by 1950, but without the Old City which no Jews were allowed to enter.

In the 1967 Arab/Israeli 6 day war Israel defeated the attacking Jordanian army (along with all other Arab combatants) and entered East Jerusalem, taking possession for the first time since the Hasmonean (Maccabean) dynasty was ended in 63 BC by the Roman general Pompey. Israel declared Jerusalem it's eternal capital and allowed people of all faiths access. However, Israel has allowed the Muslims to maintain control over the temple mount, the eastern wall and gate, and other parts of Old Jerusalem.

Israel has since done extensive clean-up, archaeological research and restoration in much of the Old City, as well as building over decades the modern city of Jerusalem often referred to as New Jerusalem. The Old City's construction over the last 2000 years since the final Roman destruction of 132 A.D. (interspersed with long periods of neglect and decay) consists of Roman, Byzantine, Arab, Crusader (Catholic), Turkish, Armenian, British, and Israeli construction and restoration.

From Visiting the Temple Mount, by Lambert Dolphin

"The present walls around the Old City were built from 1537 to 1541 by Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent after the Ottoman conquest of Israel [then called Palestine, ke]. At that time most of the ancient walls were reduced to rubble. Suleiman ordered that Jerusalem be fortified to protect its people against marauding Bedouins.

"The walls were rebuilt upon the foundations of the walls constructed during the time of the Second Temple and the later Roman expansion. For the most part, the modern gates of the city are not closely related to the walls and gates that existed in Roman times or earlier. There is some debate about the correct location of some of the ancient gates and walls. However visitors to the recently restored Jewish Quarter in the Old City can see an uncovered section of the wall built by Nehemiah at the time of the return from the Babylonian exile [around 550 B.C.].

. . .

The Golden [East] Gate

"The Golden Gate is the most important and most impressive gate in Jerusalem, and the only visible entrance to the city of Jerusalem from the East. This oldest of all the gates to the city was the only one not rebuilt by Suleiman the Magnificent in AD 1539-42. Monolithic stones in the wall just above ground have been identified as 6th Century BC masonry from the time of Nehemiah (Biblical Archaeological Review [BAR], Mar/Apr 1992, p40).

"The Golden Gate was walled up by the Arabs in the year 810. It has remained closed now for nearly 12 centuries.

. . .

"The Golden Gate has long interested many Muslims, and most Jews and Christians as the place of the Last Judgment. Historically, judgments were rendered in the gates of the city (Gen. 19:1, 23:10, for instance). Since the Messiah was to come from the East (Matthew 24:27), it was concluded that his judgment would be at the eastern gate. This is one reason for the many Muslim, Christian, and Jewish graves on the Eastern slopes of the Temple Mount, in the Kidron Valley, and on the Western slopes of the Mount of Olives

"Some Muslims place Allah's final judgment at this location also. Jews link the Messiah's arrival with this gate and Christians have for centuries associated the Golden Gate with Palm Sunday and also with the Second Advent (
Luke 19:35-38).

"Jews expect the Messiah to come through the Golden Gate, Muslims also expect Jesus to return to our world at the end of the age to participate in the final judgment. Christians believe it will be Jesus Christ who will conduct that final judgment. Zechariah 14:4-5 clearly states that the Messiah of Israel will return to Jerusalem from the summit of the Mount of Olives and then surely proceed into Jerusalem from the East, in the direction of the Golden Gate.

. . .

"Because of the Messianic association with the Golden Gate - which clearly symbolizes both judgment and mercy because of the Arabic names attached to the gate - adherents to all three faiths have wanted to be buried as close as possible to the Golden Gate. The assumption was that the dead in the immediate vicinity would be the first to be raised. In the Middle Ages the Jews were forbidden to bury on Mount Moriah. Instead they buried their dead opposite the gate and to the South on the Mount of Olives. This Jewish cemetery is the oldest in continuous use anywhere in the world.
...The Muslim burial area covers the eastern Temple Mount hillside up to and surrounding the Golden [East] Gate.

"At the end of the First Temple period the eastern gate was closed (see Ezekiel XLIV, I. "Then he brought me back the way of the outer gate of the sanctuary which looketh toward the east; and it was shut.")... [A vision recorded by Ezekiel in Babylon around 600 B.C. MCM website editor].
. . .

"The New Testament (
Acts 3:2) calls this the Beautiful Gate; it may therefore be assumed to have existed during the period of Aelia Capitolina [after the final Roman destruction in 132 A.D.]. However, its present beauty was not attained until the reign of Justinian, in honour of the Christian tradition which fixes this as the site of Jesus' entry to the Temple courtyard. The gate was probably open during the Byzantine period, and the Emperor Heraclius entered through it after taking Jerusalem in 629. After the Muslim conquest, when the Dome of the Rock and the EI-Aksa Mosque were built, it was blocked to prevent unsupervised access to the mosque area.

"...In the time of the Crusaders it was opened twice a year on Christian festivals: once in the spring, on Palm Sunday, recalling Jesus' triumphal entry to the city through this gate (St. Matthew 21:1-8); and once in the autumn, to commemorate the entry of the Emperor Heraclius. The gate was finally closed under Turkish rule.

"Charles Warren examined the gate in 1867-69 and found a wall descending 13 m (42 ft) below the level of the gate, the wall of the Temple Mount at this point is thus 20 m (65 ft) high. 80 m (87 yds) further north Warren found the base of the wall at a depth of 40 m (141 ft). Schick cleaned the gate in 1891. It is to be hoped that this magnificent gate will again serve its original purpose, making possible pilgrimages to the Temple Mount from the Mount of Olives. (Menashe Har-El, This is Jerusalem, Canaan Publishing House, PO Box 7645, Jerusalem 1977)

From "Visiting the Temple Mount" by Lambert Dolphin

From Wikipedia

"The Golden [East] Gate is the oldest of the current gates in Jerusalem's Old City Walls. It was probably built in the 520s CE, as part of Justinian I's building program in Jerusalem, on top of the ruins of an earlier gate in the wall. An alternate theory holds that it was built in the later part of the 7th century by Byzantine artisans employed by the Umayyad khalifs.

"In Christian literature, the gate is referred as the Golden Gate, but in Arabic it is known as the Gate of Eternal Life. Jews used to pray for mercy at the gate, hence the name Sha'ar Harachamim, the Gate of Mercy.

"The gate is located in the middle of the eastern side of the Temple Mount. The portal in this position was believed to have been used for ritual purposes in biblical times.

"In Jewish tradition this is the gate through which Messiah will enter Jerusalem. It was sealed off in 1541 by Ottoman Sultan Suleiman I..."

From Wikipedia, The Golden Gate

For a brief history of Palestine/Israel and Jerusalem, see History of Jerusalem and Israel History - Foreign Domination.

You can see in the photos of the East Gate above that it is sealed shut. "According to Jewish tradition, when the Messiah comes, he will enter Jerusalem through this gate. [The reason for the Muslim burials in front of the gate appears to be for the same hope in their resurrection at Messiah's return as the Jews have who are buried by the thousands directly across the valley on the Mount of Olives. MCM Editor] (Jewish Virtual Library) However, the shutting of this gate itself was prophesied by Ezekiel around 600 B.C. -- that it would be shut "because the LORD (Jehovah or Yahweh), the God of Israel, hath entered in by it, therefore it shall be shut."

Jesus entered Jerusalem through the original East gate around 33 A.D. (long before the more recent gate was blocked by the Muslims) as he came down from the Mount of Olives and entered the temple according to our understanding of Luke 19:28-48. He would have entered through the original gate built by Nehemiah and enhanced by Herod which, along with the city, was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. and again in 132 A.D. Ezekiel says concerning this gate that it "shall be shut," that "it is for the Prince" (which the Messiah is often called throughout the Old Testament and Jesus is called in the New Testament), and that he shall enter it again.

Ezekiel 44 (A vision Ezekiel recorded around 600 B.C. in Babylon)

1 Then [the LORD] brought me back the way of the gate of the outward sanctuary which looketh toward the east; and it was shut.
2 Then said the LORD unto me; This gate shall be shut, it shall not be opened, and no man shall enter in by it; because the LORD, the God of Israel, hath entered in by it, therefore it shall be shut.
3 It is for the prince; the prince, he shall sit in it to eat bread before the LORD; he shall enter by the way of the porch of that gate, and shall go out by the way of the same.

Jesus entered the Temple in Jerusalem around 33 A.D. Speaking to the Jews, he said that they would not see him until they acknowledge Him as their Messiah by declaring the well known Messianic reception from Ps. 118:14-29, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD." (See Matthew 23:37-39.)

Matthew records Jesus' words to the Jews in chapt. 23,

36 Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation.
37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!
38 Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.
39 For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.

Will his chosen ones in Jerusalem and from the rest of the nations acknowledge Him as their Messiah, Lord and Deliverer? See Zechariah 12, and his return to Jerusalem according to the prophet: Zechariah 14:1-11 (written approximately 500 B.C.), and according to Jesus: Matthew 24:14-31. Or All passages together.

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Other Helpful links

American Holidays Calendar: Official American holidays for any year. Interactive Jewish calendar, calculator, converter, and other Jewish calendar tools and info. The best I've seen on the Net.
Next Judaic/Biblical holidays for 2005 (Judaic holidays begin at sundown of the previous day)
10/4 Trumpets (Rosh Hashana), 10/13 Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), 10/18 Tabernacles (Sukkot)


Remember friend, as you pass by; As you are now, so once was I.
As I am now, thus you must be, so be prepared to follow me.

However, a concerned reader then added this line:

To follow you, I'm not content UNTIL I know, which way you went ! !

Obtained from Mom of 9's Place, (closed)

Copyright © 2000-Present, Mary Craig Ministries



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