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Friday, December 13, 2019 Craighouse
Word Received for 2020Watch now. 2020 will be a year of surprises; some, great surprises. More and more events are occurring globally, having global influence and repercussions.
The war between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness escalates. It is spiritual, remember that. I am the light. I am He in whom is the light. I am He who lives. When those of darkness mock, deceive, steal, lie, kill, and destroy, he is of none effect to/in Me. (John 14:30)
I am He who loves Mine. I fight as a man of war, the Flame of Yah. I am roaring over My creation. The devil is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may [devour/eat], destroy; but I am the Lion of Judah. 1 Peter 5:8, Revelation 5:5, Exodus 15:3, Isaiah 42:13.
Be sober. Be vigilant, for 2020 will be a year of separation. Hearts will be tested. Minds will be tempted. Overcome. Be an overcomer. Worship the true God. I am the True Witness. I was sent to witness to the Truth. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. John 14:6.
I will move across the nations as the Holy Spirit comes, the wind of the Spirit blowing. I will sift and I will separate, and sort. And I will prepare My Bride, for the Day grows closer.
Bless Me, the LORD. How, you say? With your repentance. With your seeking after Me, the one true God. With your worship that glorifies Me, for I am worthy. I am your Creator/Redeemer. I sent My Son. This gift I give you. Never take it for granted. Do not diminish Me, My Son. Stop grieving My Spirit. Bless Me in this that My heart may rejoice in you and be glad; when you come full of gratitude and thanksgiving and want ME, your GOD, and not just My gifts, for I am the Source of all Life and Blessing.
I am the gift. The land is Mine. Mine are Mine. Leviticus 25:23.
Prepare for war in the spirit world for I am coming as a Man of War. And I will prevail against the madness and bring order out of chaos. Watch Me.
Friday, January 11, 2020
Walking on coals
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This is what I'm seeing: I'm seeing coals, like a fire, and people walking on them. Like they do in other parts of the world. Walking on coals. The coals, some of them are red hot. And others are like, smoking. And the people are walking on them, not even realizing that their feet are burning. And they're looking down at their feet. But they're not doing anything, while they're walking and their feet are burning.
And I the LORD sit high. My name is El Elyon. The Most High God, and I sit high and above. I dwell in the high and lofty place. And I look down. And that which I showed you is what I see. And these with the burning feet. Will not look up. They will not look to Me, the Living God. And they walk on a path to their destruction. And they are so caught up with their own feet, walking on these coals, of fire. That they don't even know that they could just step off this path. And it would stop. And they don't look up. They only look down. And I am looking down. And some I will snatch from the fire. And whenever I might use My people to snatch someone from this fire, they must be careful, lest they themselves get burned, and drawn onto the path of burning coals. Jude. I AM a consuming fire. But these, walking on the fire, the coals, fiery coals, are on the path to destruction. Broad is the way that leads to destruction. Narrow is the way that leads to life. They are so fixed on the way of destruction, that they don't even turn to get off the path of destruction. Onto the new and living way. They do not even look up to look forward in front of them, to see where they are headed. They look down. They do not even look forward. They do not look up. They do not even look to the right or the left to get off of this path. Only I, the Living Spirit, come and save Mine. I save Mine from destruction.
I warn you not to be bewitched. Hold to the right way. That way you know. The way of Truth. Galatians.
. . .Friday, January 24, 2020
Word received Friday, January 24They malign the Name of Jesus Christ. They diminish Him. They think I do not see. They think I do not perceive. They think I have no power. They think I just overlook it.
My love. I love My creation and I loved this world so much that I gave My One and unique Son so Mine would not perish; so those who believe in Him will NOT perish but have everlasting life. Do they not know I am holy and Mine will live with Me forever? Their hands reach out to Me, grasping, many grasping for gold. Am I not the gold? Am I not enough? Have I not said, and has it not come to be? Do not I say, and it comes about? Do they come to bless Me? They come for Me to bless them.
I am coming. I am coming.
And you will go and you will open the eyes of the blind. I am coming and every eye will see Me. Eyes wide open. You are weak. I am strong. And I have given you the Holy Spirit as your Comforter. What does the Comforter do? He puts in you His strength and you are strong in the LORD and in the power of His might.
. . .
Do not remember the former days for I am doing a new thing. The music is not here yet. There are those who shed the blood of martyrs and their blood cries out. Was not My Son’s blood enough? It WAS enough!
You have proclaimed the Day of the LORD. Everything, everything is “at ready.” Consider every day a gift. Every day a gift.
And the trees will clap their hands. And the creation will rejoice. Every day the Day grows closer. Do not rejoice when the judgment comes; rejoice that your names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. For the God who loves you is the Flame of Yah, a Consuming Fire.
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Do not weep for My enemies. Would you weep for cancer going away? Would you weep for infirmity leaving? Would you weep for those who are friends of the world who are My enemies? You will weep and wail for the woes coming upon this earth and you will weep for the sin that separates from My holiness. For the wisdom of this world that is earthy, sensual, and demonic, do not weep, for those who have said in their hearts, “There is no god.” But I hold out the scepter of peace. Jesus is The Peace, the Prince of Peace. There is no darkness in the light that I am; no darkness at all.
The light of the gospel of Jesus Christ MUST go out. People divide and make new nations thinking that’s going to stop the clock. Everything will go according to the timetable, My timetable, of the Lord; and nothing, nothing will stop the Sovereign Lord…nothing, and no one. So be most free. Be free. And live and let My love work through you, Agape love. My love is different.
And find out what blesses Me, the LORD. Amen.
Friday, February 7, 2020
Word receivedWhat is this I see, O Lord, coming over the mountains? Who is this I see? Walking, guiding through the valley of the shadow of death? It is You, the faithful God. It is You, the faithful friend. It is You, LORD, Master, Savior, Shepherd. A strong one held sway, until You came in, the Stronger one. You. You are our strength, and our song. Your abiding presence. How is it, you are pleased, to walk with us? To talk with us? To reveal yourself? To such as we are?
. . .
For those in the kingdom of darkness, will not be able to plot and plan. I sit in the heavens and laugh, as they conspire, against me, and my Anointed. Ha, ha.
...Remember. I have won the war. The war is won. As I went forth conquering, and to conquer. So, I am sending you forth, to conquer. So take your position, son of David, take your position. And STAND, firm, and you will see the salvation of your God, the Living God, the God and Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ. And when they say, “Who are you?” You need not respond. Because they should be saying, Who is He? Who is He? Defender. The Deliverer. For I, the Living God, am your God. And I have said, I will be your God. And you will be my son.
Who is that? On the mountain? The Lion of Judah. Judah. The Lion of Judah roaring. Can you hear it, son of David? The Lion of Judah, is on the move. And the wind, of the Holy Spirit, blows. And you, son of David, will say, who is like the LORD? Who is like you, O Lord?
(SS 3, Ps. 23, 24, 40)Friday, February 21, 2020
I am coming to you, BeershevaI am coming to you, Beersheva. I, the LORD, the Shepherd, the Great Shepherd, the Chief Shepherd. The Good Shepherd. I am coming to you. AND WHO WILL FOLLOW THE CHRIST? And I will gather the outcasts. Those, you rejected. You rulers, of long ago. They will not know why they come. Just that they must come. FOR IT IS THEIR TIME. AND YOU, SON OF DAVID, SAY “COME, YOU OUTCASTS. FOR THE CHRIST, THE MESSIAH, THE PROMISED ONE, HAS COME. AND HE IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. THROUGH HIM, YOU WILL COME TO THE FATHER. For Abi-melech [Father of me-king Gen. 20,21,26, Judges 8,9, Ps 34] is not your king. Christ, the Anointed One of the Living God, is your King. Your Lord. And those whom I have chosen, your Father.”
Friday, March 6,, 2020
. . .And I will lead a people, in a way they have not known. And I will be their God, and they will be my people. I will open their eyes to see, and I will open their ears to hear. And I will turn their hearts, to believe the message writ large, in my Son, Jesus Christ, divine Messiah. WATCH, O watchman on the wall. For *I* am a covenant-keeping Lord. And I will do this thing, that I desire to do. In spite of, even though, I grieve, at the rejection, of my love.
I will pity. I will protect. I will provide. I will empower. I will bless. I will grant peace. I will rule. You will make progress. As you grow in the grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. There is so much more to know, of me, the Living God. So much more.
Ho...w, did they live in the Negev? How did they possibly live? And was it not of "of course," they missed Egypt? Even though they were slaves there. The food. The variety [scornfully said] of food. I gave them manna. Food of heaven. But they wanted, the food of Egypt. It has not changed. And I, the LORD, do not change. I am the faithful and true. I AM the faithful Amen. I AM the faithful witness, the true witness. And I witness to the truth. And so many things will come together for you. Even now it begins.Sunday, March 22, 2020
Be strong in the LORD...Believe in My goodness...Come to Me...Here in the U.S.A. we talk about those of our nation being in this COVID-19 pandemic/plague together, but really, we must think more globally. As the Body of Christ, we are members of one another out of every tribe and tongue and people group and nation. As I woke up this morning, I heard:
Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
Be strong in the LORD and in the power of His might.
Be strong and very courageous.
Strengthen yourself in the LORD.
Be strong for My love is as strong as death. Therefore be strong, for I am as “pulley power” with a strength that helps. I uphold you with My righteous right hand, a right hand of power, protection, comfort, peace, and the strong grip of My grace.
Believe in My goodness. I have told you ahead of time [word for 2020] that you might be steady of heart and mind. Now come to Me, all the earth, for as you call, I will answer. As you repent, I will grant repentance. As you humble yourself before Me, I will grant you grace. I love you. You are Mine. I am coming for a holy Bride. True and righteous are My judgments. My love never fails.
Dr. Mary CraigWednedsay, June 10, 2020
Word received at home after Sunday's teaching CovenantTo understand Covenant is to understand God’s Way of Relationship. In Part Three of the teaching sermons dealing with the Covenant of Creation, we examine the role of obedience. Perfect, personal, perpetual obedience is the required response to God as Creator by virtue of the Creator/creature relationship alone. Adam was unique. He was given a test consisting of one negative ordering: don’t eat the forbidden fruit!
Would Adam willingly choose obedience for the sake of obedience alone? Would he believe the wisdom of God as to what is good and what is evil? Would he pass a specific test such that for himself and his posterity he would merit LIFE?
Radical obedience provides the key to blessing under the covenant of creation. But Adam rejected the Wisdom of God and obeyed another word. That plunged humanity into the estate of sin and misery. Find out more and Romans 5 will make a lot more sense.
Remember to bless the LORD, to exalt Him, to desire Him, to glorify Him, to praise Him, and to thank Him. It is what the LORD wants now.The Spirit of the Lord would say to the churches: Hold fast to that which you have been given. Hold to the promises for I am a faithful God. Hold fast to that which is good. Hold fast to the confession of your hope. Hold fast to the confidence of that hope.
I am the God of great surprises. I am separating, sanctifying, sifting, and sorting. I am the Chief Shepherd. I know My sheep and they know My Voice. Do not fear, for I am the LORD. I am raising up a Holy Bride. I am a God of order and I am ordering things aright for Mine. Repent and follow the Christ. I am bringing to Mine love, power, and a sound mind. Be renewed in the spirit of your mind. I am your safety, your safe place—wherever you are, I am with you to prevail.
Come unto Me you burdened and anxious ones. In Me is Life. I AM.So remember what you have received and heard; and keep it, and repent. Therefore if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come to you. Revelation 3:3
Dr. Mary Craig
Friday, July 9, 2020
Word receivedJuly 9, 2020: Home, Dr. Mary Craig
How far from Me are these people. How far from Me are the nations of the world. Yet I have come near and they do not see. Neither do they understand. They do not see because they do not seek; they do not seek Me that I might answer the cries of their souls, their hearts, the desperations of the darkness in which they grope to find life.
My heart yearns for the people to repent and believe. They turn to idols and no-gods, to the wisdom of this world, to the vain imaginations of their minds darkened by deceit.
I hedge them about that they might consider their ways, examine their priorities, see what is in their hearts. They live in the wasteland. The river flows, but they set their faces away and do not turn to see their salvation.
Have I not said? Have I changed? Do not My eyes run to and fro over the land? Are not My judgments true and righteous?
From the beginning man has spurned My love, My words, My wisdom, turning astray. Do I not know what is good and what is evil? Do I not love with an everlasting love, a love without a lie? But man’s heart within him is evil continually; chasing after the lie, swallowing the stolen fruit of the Deceiver, the Murderer, the Thief.
Violence begins now to cover the earth. Wake up! Madness, chaos, rebellion, reducing what I created in My image to appear worthless in order to exploit, to satisfy greedy hunters of men’s souls---all this being of the broad way that leads to destruction.
But I have built an Ark. I have preserved and will preserve My people. Mine are kept by My power. I contend with those who contend with Mine. My love covers a multitude of sin. I have made a way where there was no way. I sent My Son to heal, save, and deliver. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
I have promised and My words are not empty, vain. What I have promised will surely come to pass. Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. You have an inheritance in Christ. While I shake everything that can be shaken, the foundation of the Lord stands sure having this seal: the Lord knows those who are His and let everyone who names the Name of the Lord [Christ] depart from iniquity. Seek good; depart from evil. Repent gladly knowing that whenever you confess your sins, I am faithful and just to forgive you your sins and to cleanse you from unrighteousness.
When I come to purify, to chasten, to prepare you to be fit, pure, and holy, rejoice in Me. Count it all joy.
When tribulation comes, know that Jesus has overcome. The Holy Spirit is your Comforter who guides you into the truth of My Word.
When people revile you and speak evil of you, hating you because they hate the Christ in you, do not return evil for evil but overcome [general] evil with [specific] good.
Preserve truth. Promote justice. Preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Maintain purity. Prepare for I am coming.
Call upon Me and I will show you great and mighty things you know not of.
Watch Me.
Saturday, August 29, 2020
"Word" received by Dr. Mary Craig in answer to: What is going on?
Saturday, August 29, 2020: Home, Dr. Mary Craig
Dear Friends of Mary Craig Ministries,
Friday night August 28, 2020, I was at home working on our upcoming Mission to the Negev Region of Israel (the 10th call to Israel for MCM) and spending time in prayer while worshiping the LORD. At around 1:00 a.m. Saturday August 29th, I heard the following which I believe to be a word from the Holy Spirit. I deliver this word to you, the Body of Christ, as "just the messenger."
Saturday, August 29, 2020, c. 1:00 a.m., Dr. Mary Craig (Home)
To my question-What is going on?
I am the covert in the storm. I am your hiding place. You are in Me and I am in you. I am your shield and your exceeding great reward. I am El Shaddai who blesses you out of the abundance of the riches of My glory.And you wait. The battles rage in the realm of the spirit world. Daniel 9 and 10. Your part in this battle right now is to bless Me. Set your mind on things above. Colossians.
Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. 3 For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ who is your[a] life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. Colossians 3:2-4 ESV...
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Come to the waters and drink, for I give you rivers in the desert as I lead you through dry places. I am the Light guiding you through deep darkness. I am He who was and who is and who is to come. I am LORD and Savior, Source and Sustainer, Sovereign and True, the Faithful Witness who bears witness to the Truth. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and all who come to Me in truth will know the Truth and the True and Living God. I give to those who believe in Me, Life, eternal Life. Come. Repent, or perish.
Sunday, December 20, 2020
A Christmas Message from the LORD: Such is My Love for You
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When will Mine set aside their baubles and cease baking cakes to the Queen of Heaven? (Jeremiah 7) When will they cease turning to idols and no-gods; repent, and turn to Me? Am I not Ishi? [two meanings - husband or salvation] Am I not the LORD your Maker? Am I not Creator/Redeemer?
In the darkness a light shines. It is bright, bold, declaring in the heavens My glory. After years of silence, a Voice, a Star, prophecies starting to be fulfilled. My gift to you-a Son is born this day in the city of David.
For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this. Isaiah 9:6, 7 KJV
He will be great. His Name means Savior. He is Messiah, Lord, a King who reigns forever.
For from the rising of the sun, even to its going down,
My name shall be great among the Gentiles; In every place Incense shall be offered to My name, And a pure offering; For My name shall be great among the nations," Says the LORD of hosts. Malachi 1:11 NKJV
Then the angel [Gabriel] said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give Him the throne of His father David: And He shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of His kingdom there shall be no end. Luke 1:30-33. NKJV
This Child of the Holy Spirit, is the Incarnate Christ, the Anointed One.
Hope, I give you; a Peace that passes all understanding.
"Why?" you ask. He will be despised, rejected by men, marred more than any man. He will be bruised, bleeding, mocked, scourged. (Isaiah 53) Yes, and He will die.
Such is My love for you. He is Life. His death, I accepted. He is My Beloved. It was necessary that He drink the cup that I, His Father, gave Him. He glorified Me and glorifies Me. He took your place.
Such is My love for you. Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love. I demonstrated My love for you. Romans 5; 1 John 3, 4....Sunday, January 3, 2020
2021, A Year of Transformation
2021 will be a year of transformation. Mismatched expectations will become less so as My people come closer to Me, being sanctified, being more conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. The events of 2020 touched the core, the hearts of My people, and they will find themselves changed in unexpected ways....
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